15 Jun Once again Verdés was present at Keramtex 2016
Verdés once again took part in the annual Keramtex conference this year, held on 1-2 June in Chelyabinsk (Russia). This is a technical workshop in which the main sector suppliers and Russian ceramics companies share their experiences, knowledge, proposals and innovations for developing the ceramics industry in the Russian Federation.

This edition was well supported with 180 attendees, in spite of Russia’s economic difficulties, due to EU sanctions, the depreciation of the local currency (rouble) and the low price of oil.
Our colleague Oleg Bondarenko, a member of the Verdés sales office team in Russia, had the chance to give an interesting presentation on modernising Russian manufacturing plants and emphasised Verdés’s experience in improving production efficiency using various items of clay preparation equipment.
Although this is not an ideal time for the Russian market, the Verdés sales team is still working hard to position the company well for when the economy picks up.