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    Our Solutions

    At Verdés, we offer a wide range of solutions for processing (grinding, crushing, homogenising and extruding) clay, bentonite and other materials for the ceramic sector and our Verdés Briquetting division offers specific solutions unique to the market for each client.


    Our products are designed and manufactured following the highest quality standards with the aim of offering added value to each client

    Box Feeders

    Double Shaft Mixers

    Extruder Mixers

    Filter Mixers


    Primary Crushers


    Laboratory Machines

    Dex Extruders

    Magna Extruders

    Magnabloc Extruders

    Exacta Extruders

    Optima Rolling Mills

    Hammer Mills

    Wet Pan Mills

    Pendulum Mills

    Circular Screen Feeders

    Stone Separators

    Verdés around the world

      12123 12038 12028 11885 11877 11863 11855 11842 11833 11826 11817 11813 11789 11485