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    At Verdés we specialize in offering solutions for the production of briquettes and pellets from by-products or raw materials in fine states or sludge, generating a product that meets the technical requirements of our customers.

    To process this type of material we have specifically designed our Dex range.

    This family of equipment allows us to offer tailor-made solutions for each project, helping to reduce operating costs (binders, energy costs, etc.) and generating high-quality products.


    Examples of briquetting products:

    • Iron and Steel: BF dust, BF sludge, DRI fines, pellet fines, mill scale, EAF dust…
    • Coal: Anthracite fines, charcoal fines, filter press sludge, lignite, coke fines…
    • Mining: Iron ore concentrate, manganese concentrate…


    Faced with increasingly demanding markets, it is necessary to offer a solution considering all the factors for an optimal result. We have the resources to provide a tailored solution:

    Verdés has a laboratory exclusively for briquetting projects

    With satisfactory results in the laboratory, we carry out the validation of processes on an industrial scale at our own pilot plant.

    As a result of the laboratory test and pilot plant validation, our engineering team designs the installation tailored to the client’s needs and possibilities.


    Faced with increasingly demanding markets, it is necessary to offer a solution considering all the factors for an optimal result. We have the resources to provide a tailored solution:

    Verdés has a laboratory exclusively for briquetting projects

    With satisfactory results in the laboratory, we carry out the validation of processes on an industrial scale at our own pilot plant.

    As a result of the laboratory test and pilot plant validation, our engineering team designs the installation tailored to the client’s needs and possibilities.

    Experts in the process


    Verdés tiene una amplia experiencia en el rendimiento y propiedades de ligantes y aditivos.


    100% digitalización. En cualquier momento, podemos evaluar el proceso productivo sin necesidad de desplazar equipos humanos.

    Personal altamente calificado

    Somos un equipo formado y cualificado para hacer realidad cualquier proyecto.

    Presencia Internacional

    Plantas que trabajan con diferentes materiales a nivel mundial garantizan el éxito de nuestros proyectos.

    Experts in the process


    Verdés has extensive experience in the performance and properties of binders and additives.


    100% digitalisation. At any time, we can evaluate the production process without the need to move human teams.

    Highly qualified personnel

    We are a team trained and qualified to make any project a reality.

    International Presence

    Plants that work with different materials worldwide guarantee the success of our projects.

    Turning your ideas into solutions

    Turning your ideas into solutions

    Leave us your contact information and our team will assist you shortly with an answer to your query.

      Leave us your contact information and our team will assist you shortly with an answer to your query.

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