20 Sep Supply Verdés of fine roller mills to Shahtinsky brick plant in Rostov region
In September, 2014, new Verdés FDH-086 hydraulic fine roller mills with rollers 800 mm width were installed in each of two existing parallel shaping lines of Shakhtinsky brick-making plant in Rostov region.
Getting a finer grinding allowed customer to improve quality characteristics of his products. In particular, after modernization, mechanical strength of all produced bricks with 12% perforation rate has increased to M150. From now on, it is possible to produce products with thinner walls (2.1 NF stone ceramic brick), that was impossible before the retrofitting.
Shakhtinsky brick-making plant along with « Donskoy kirpich » and Gukovsky brick-making plant (hyperpressing plant) are members of the group of companies, representing the largest manufacturer of ceramic bricks in the region with an annual production capacity of 140 MM NF. In 2013, LLC « KomStroy » produced 56 MM NF.